Thursday, October 23, 2014

Water Droplets

Have you ever been outside right after a rainstorm, and looked closely
 at the many water droplets on trees, grass, leaves, and many other objects?
If not, next time there is rain, go outside and look closely at the water drops.
I took most of  these pictures outside, in pauses between rainstorms, last week.
 It was really amazing how round, these water drops were,
some of them were almost perfect spheres!
 Untill recently I hadn't taken much notice in how interesting water
 can be, but by taking these pictures it helped me to see Gods creation
 in the form of water droplets.
 Today, as you look around you, is there something beautiful
 that God has made that you haven't taken notice of before?
 As you observe the beauty around you, remember how powerful God is,
 and thank him for the many gifts he has bestowed on us,
whether they be big or small.

I hope you have a great day!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Hello again!

It's starting to feel like fall here! The leaves are changing colors and it is colder outside. How about where you live? What is the weather like?
Here are a few fall pictures that I recently took and a fall poem called "Autum" by Ryan Larkin.

Genesis 8:22

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”


Descending leaves fall to the ground,
Twirling, twisting, round and round,
Autumn season is almost here,
The smell of freshness is oh so near. 

The crisp, cool breeze,
Shakes the leaves from the trees, 
Autumn takes away the green, 
Golden-bronze and brown is all that can be seen. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Nature in My Backyard

Recently I did a photo shoot of nature in my backyard! A while ago I had taken pictures of flowers from my yard, and this is sort of a sequel. While taking these pictures I was reminded of this verse:

"O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom has thou made them all: the earth is full of your riches."(Psalm 104:24)."

I hope that you enjoy your day, and remember to look around you and see if you can discover God's creation around you! Let me know in the comments down below what you found, I would love to hear from you! 

I thought this was a cool shot with the sun behind the leaf!
We have been blessed with A LOT of apple's this year!

I really like taking pictures of insects on flowers (if you hadn't guessed) :D These bee pictures turned out pretty good!

I love the  yellow pollen on this bee!